Elder Palmer/GRATIA DEI/The Grace of God

Message from . January 27, 2021. Category: Sermon

Who are we?

New Life's Community

New Life Church of God 7th Day is a Loving, Christ-Centered, Grace-Oriented, Sabbath-Celebrating, and Relationship-Building faith community that restores all who are hurting.
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity, I am become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. 1 Corinthians 12:1-2.

New Life's Mission

At New Life Church of God 7th Day, our mission is to teach sound biblical truths, proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, cultivate real relationships, help those in need, advocate for moral and social justice and connect people to purpose.

New Life's History

The idea of New Life was contemplated and prayed for. Contemplation was driven by experiences within the Christian community which left many with questions and concerns. The Word of God and the work of pioneer leaders of the Church of God presented a challenge. Those leaders had a burning zeal for the LORD’s work – evangelism, spiritual formation of believers, Christ-like conduct, and the building up of the Church. Consequently, the church grew, the unity and stability of the Churches of God 7th Day was maintained and the presence of God was evident in the life and work of the Church. The concern for revival gave the idea of New Life impetus.

Upcoming Events

Laton Anthony Palmer

Laton Anthony Palmer was born in the Parish of Manchester, Jamaica. He migrated to the United states of America, where he received his formal education from Sarah J Hale High School, The Ministerial Seminary of America and NYACK College. As a young man he attended the Brush Harbor Pentecostal Church under the leadership of Pastor Paul Benjamin.  In 1997 God spoke to Pastor Paul Benjamin to observe the 7th day Sabbath. As destiny guided, Laton Palmer accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. A year later he was appointed to the office of Minister by Pastor Benjamin.  In 2015 he was led to join in fellowship with Bishop Palmer at the Beulah Church of God 7th Day Evangelical inc. where he was later ordained as an Elder in 2018.  Elder Laton Palmer now serves in this office at the New Life Church of God 7th day by the command of the Holy Spirit under the leadership of Elder Clinton Wiggins. Elder Palmer’s mission is to be a light house to guide lost souls to the Lord and to present the message of Christ with clarity that will edify the hearers.


Clinton Oliver Wiggins – Senior Pastor

Clinton Oliver Wiggins born in the district of Fruitful Vale in Portland, Jamaica. He is the third of ten boys born to Edwin and Icilda Wiggins. Clinton Oliver Wiggins got his early formal education at Fruitful Vale All Age School. He later completed several specialize certification courses including a two-year course in Leadership Management at the University of the West Indies, Jamaica and a paralegal course in the U.S.A. Clinton Wiggins migrated to the U.S.A. in 2003 where he met the Adorable, Beautiful and Committed Barbara Bent and they were married in 2004. He first felt the call of God on his life at the age of thirteen and was baptized in the Fruitful Vale Church of God Seventh Day. Like the prodigal son, he left home to explore what the world had to offer; but the Good Father waited for his return. Clinton Wiggins recommitted his life to Christ and was baptized at the Beulah Church of God Seventh Day and was ordained as an Evangelist/Elder in 2014. Clinton Wiggins spends a great deal of time in studying the word of God. With the leading of the Lord, he along with several other brothers again sought God’s direction and moved on to start a new ministry the New Life Church of God Seventh Day. Now his greatest passion and desire is to serve God in humility and whatever capacity God wants him to serve.


